Saturday, March 12, 2011

First tooth, kaylee clothes concoctions and the maze

Quick update: Levi is ever so slowly getting better. He still has a lot of dirty diapers and congestion but is stlll pleasant and smiley and east-to-take. He's a tough cookie and seems to only fuss when in pain, sleepy or when his toys are taken away (by Miss K). Levi had his first tooth come through. Since feb is a short month, this is exactly when Kaylee got hers, the last week of her5th month. We are giving him Tylenol before bed to keep him rested longer. He seems to want to walk and takes steps when held up ( could be that reflex I know of too, not sure when that one occurs) so we've been adding more tummy time and practicing standing him up on all fours. He'll be crawling in no time I'm sure. He really wants to keep up with his sis.

Kaylee has been coming up with the craziest outfits! She must be entering the princessy girly phase because she wants to put on dresses and skirts all the time. I tell her it's cold and she's gotta wear more, so yesterday she wore a multicolored, multitiered summer dress with a grey striped rainbow shirt under, a completely different toned leggings underneath and bloomers over the leggings. The she wants some jewelry and dons a necklace and "bracelet" (her hairbands), and a barrette in her hair. A "colorful blur" is what her dc provider called her, when explaining why she couldn't get a photo of Kaylee at the indoor playground.

Speaking of, Kaylee's having a bit of spring fever that all of us are suffering from...and asks everyday about going to the indoor playground. So she's been 3 times this past week and I checked out the one they went to with dc on Friday. As soon as we got her shoes off, she ran away absorbed into the giant play structure. I was a little frustrated not to be able to follow her and thought she was awful young to be up 10 platforms and going down an at least three story tall winding tube slide with all those big kids. I couldn't follow her the way the other parents of younger kids were because of having the baby in my arms. I felt better when I found a vantage point I could see her climbing the
platforms. I figured she already done it once and been fine and there were other adults up there in case she got hurt or scared. She did miss her dc buddies and wanted Levi and I to join her, saying she wanted friends. She had such a ball though and I found a spot where Levi could play with the wall mazes and a small mat, slide to put him on. There was a little boy there who very sweetly fell in love with Levi, cutely cupping his face in his hands and smiling at him saying "cute baby!" they both will be back soon!

Eric and I got to go on a date last night and what did we do? We cleaned and dealt with the stuff in our basement (since it looks like we'll be able to start our construction project soon) and then we went out to dinner. It felt good though. It is super hard to keep up with the house these days and our "stuff" tends to overwhelm. This is compounded by Levi changing sizes 4times in 5months and kaylee moving into size 3 shirts now, pants soon. It is increasingly harder to find time for us as a couple and I'm realizing the importance/value in finding more regular babysitters, I think we need to try to do dates once a week. When we try to talk about adult things we are constantly interrupted, I'm not complaining that's just the situation with two very young kiddos. So it was very nice to be just him and I last night!

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All Smiles

All Smiles

Kaylee Mom and Puppet

Kaylee Mom and Puppet

Happy 11 months

Happy 11 months

With puppet

With puppet

she's concentrating...

she's concentrating...

on daddy's head!

on daddy's head!

me and Kaylee

me and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

at the conservatory

at the conservatory

All Smiles

All Smiles

Up to some mischief

Up to some mischief

Grandma and Kaylee

Grandma and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee



A gleam in her eyes...

A gleam in her eyes...

Say ahhh!

Say ahhh!





Eric, Kaylee and Auntie

Eric, Kaylee and Auntie

Aunt K and Kaylee

Aunt K and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

The cousins

The cousins

Sweet Potato Face

Sweet Potato Face

Beautiful Profile

Beautiful Profile



Cousins awake

Cousins awake

Cousins sleeping

Cousins sleeping

Kaylee in the Sun

Kaylee in the Sun

Eric and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee on the Beach

Me and Kaylee on the Beach

Under the Palm Trees

Under the Palm Trees

Family Vacation

Family Vacation

First Christmas as a "family"

First Christmas as a "family"

Santa Baby

Santa Baby

Kaylee in black dress

Kaylee in black dress

My beauty

My beauty

On top of the World

On top of the World

Christmas Mood

Christmas Mood

Playing with new toy

Playing with new toy

Smiling in Highchair

Smiling in Highchair

In highchair...Not eating of course!

In highchair...Not eating of course!

Happy Baby

Happy Baby

Floor Play

Floor Play

Kaylee had a little lamb...

Kaylee had a little lamb...

Kaylee in her PJ's

Kaylee in her PJ's

Nuckies are so fun

Nuckies are so fun

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

halloween costume

halloween costume
