Monday, March 28, 2011

Kaylee's 3rd birthday party

Haven’t blogged in a while! There’s been a lot going on and with Levi still under the weather it’s been a hectic time. I’ve been taking him in typically ocne a week. Thankfully this last check up they looked in his ears, listened to his chest and said, well we don’t know what’ll happen next week and he’s well enough this week – let’s do his shots. So after all he’s been through, the poor thing got shots when he finally was coming out of it. Oh well, better than getting the measles or something scary like that. At his appt he was 19lb 11 oz. He has lost some weight due to his sickness but not a lot, and he had some to spare so the pediatrician didn’t even blink an eye at it. I am still on a lactose limited diet which I don’t like but I do like what it does for Levi so it’s worth it. Yesterday was his last day on ear infection meds so we are glad to be done with that – he fought hard not to have those and he did not like the nebulizer treatments either. He’s been through a lot and as his main caregiver so have I, we are happy to be coming back around to normalcy. He’s sleeping a lot better and having a lot less dirty diapers. His mood through it all has been remarkably good. He’s a tough cookie. Not much bothers this little guy.

Kaylee’s grandparents and my niece visited during the weekend. It was great to have them with us and to celebrate Kaylee’s 3rd birthday. Kaylee loved her balloons and unfortunately wasn’t a good sport with sharing them with her cousin or brother. Still working on the whole sharing thing. My niece being around had a positive impact on Kaylee – she learned to be a big girl and go out with Daddy to the car in the morning and not insist on being carried (at least today). She also let Eric brush her hair without screaming and running away. Kaylee’s grandma and I took the kids to an indoor playground and to swim in the pool at the community center on Saturday. It was very very busy there, but we still had a good time. Kaylee is into Little Mermaid since she saw the movie and was geared up for the swimming. Later that night after all the fun from the birthday party and then the indoor playground, she did not want the fun to stop and kept insisting it was not time for bed, but time to go out again to another indoor playground! One thing that was super cute is she received a book, she sat down on her chair and opened up the new book, reading it to herself as if she knew the whole story. It was a very long book and she ‘read’ it all the way through. She is still not the age where she understands the gift-after-gift opening that’s usual at birthday parties. She still wants to play and concentrate on each new thing as it comes. It’s very sweet. I swear just the balloons would have made her completely happy. She liked her birthday cake very much – we had a fun time decorating it together. It was the requisite blue cake, with rainbow and sprinkles that she had asked for weeks earlier. I’ll post photos later. We are looking forward too to next weekend when Kaylee’s 3rd birthday will be celebrated with the other side of the family, and her actual big day is on Thursday so we’ll have to find something fun to do for her that night too. I love kid birthdays they are so much fun compared to adult birthdays!

A couple weekends ago we took Kaylee to a skating show. She had fun but didn’t understand why she didn’t put on the skates and go out on the ice. She was excited to see the first couple numbers but then became overwhelmed by how loud the music was and needed to leave to go run around the arena walking track, and had a ball doing that so the rest of us could enjoy the show (thank you Eric). She screamed out at one point, “hey, where’s my rollerskates?” She wanted to hop onto the ice and have her turn. A lot of the amazing showmanship was lost on her. She did like the ‘lady in the blue dress’ very much, though.

Levi’s second bottom tooth popped through, at the same time he learned to bite. Not fun for me at all. So he’ll have to unlearn that. I’ve also realized thankfully after some time why Levi has been rejecting solid foods. It turns out he’ll eat it if it’s room temperature and was rejecting food that’d been refrigerated. So, no big deal, a few seconds in the microwave fixes that! He was back to eating bananas this weekend. He also tried a few broken up cheerios and learned to chew them in his mouth pretty quick. It was so cute to see him feed himself and first go from a very disgusted reaction to one where he was reaching for more over and over again. I love having the experience feeding a young baby, so I’m excited we figured this out! Yay!

Hope everybody had as great a weekend as we did! Take care!

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All Smiles

All Smiles

Kaylee Mom and Puppet

Kaylee Mom and Puppet

Happy 11 months

Happy 11 months

With puppet

With puppet

she's concentrating...

she's concentrating...

on daddy's head!

on daddy's head!

me and Kaylee

me and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

at the conservatory

at the conservatory

All Smiles

All Smiles

Up to some mischief

Up to some mischief

Grandma and Kaylee

Grandma and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee



A gleam in her eyes...

A gleam in her eyes...

Say ahhh!

Say ahhh!





Eric, Kaylee and Auntie

Eric, Kaylee and Auntie

Aunt K and Kaylee

Aunt K and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

The cousins

The cousins

Sweet Potato Face

Sweet Potato Face

Beautiful Profile

Beautiful Profile



Cousins awake

Cousins awake

Cousins sleeping

Cousins sleeping

Kaylee in the Sun

Kaylee in the Sun

Eric and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee on the Beach

Me and Kaylee on the Beach

Under the Palm Trees

Under the Palm Trees

Family Vacation

Family Vacation

First Christmas as a "family"

First Christmas as a "family"

Santa Baby

Santa Baby

Kaylee in black dress

Kaylee in black dress

My beauty

My beauty

On top of the World

On top of the World

Christmas Mood

Christmas Mood

Playing with new toy

Playing with new toy

Smiling in Highchair

Smiling in Highchair

In highchair...Not eating of course!

In highchair...Not eating of course!

Happy Baby

Happy Baby

Floor Play

Floor Play

Kaylee had a little lamb...

Kaylee had a little lamb...

Kaylee in her PJ's

Kaylee in her PJ's

Nuckies are so fun

Nuckies are so fun

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

halloween costume

halloween costume
