Friday, May 22, 2009

Kaylee can run!

It's been a busy couple of weeks which is why I haven't had a chance to post. Kaylee was sick Sunday thru Tuesday with the flu. She is feeling much better now and is her old self again. Eric had it too so it was a bit of a rough week. Glad they're feeling better.

Some of this is sort of random but is what's new with Kaylee:

- Kaylee can run! We went to Costco and I was at the customer service counter forever waiting...and a sales member started stomping towards her playfully. She began walking towards the lady and then to my amazement, running! I was nervous because it was concrete but she only fell on her butt (which is padded with a diaper anyway so no biggie). Now we have to follow her diligently around the house as she explores, it's a bit more tiring but it's so amazing to see her experiencing this newfound independence.
-Kaylee started saying, "Hi Dad" to Eric it is so sweet and I am totally jealous.
-Kaylee is also reaching a new milestone congitively I think, she now tries to stack blocks on top of each other instead of just knocking them down. She's not too effective at the stacking though and gives up quickly.
-She is also noticing that she can cross her fingers and thinks this is pretty cool. She giggled when she figured it out.
-She's getting better at her sippy cup.
- When leaving, she waves her hand and says "Ba"
-She loves when I reenact books for her. Like Up/down, in/out, wet/dry...I just play act things out and she thinks it's pretty funny. She's using her hands to motion a lot of gestures during her babbling, and obviously she's trying to convey something. It's very cute, enthusiastic and can get very LOUD!
-Kaylee clicked her tongue for an entire day to practice the new sound.
-Kaylee barks at the dogs now, not just saying "woof, woof."
-She chases my parents and sisters cats around the house, they are very frightened, except for Mia who tolerate it well and seems to like the attention. She's very anamored with them and wishes they would stay to play.
- Kaylee didn't seem to know what to do in this hot weather. At night she likes to rock and cuddle, but kept on squirming but then when we put her down she didn't like that either. She didn't know how to be comfortable and cuddle.
- Kaylee woke up in the morning after a hot night and saw the ceiling fan. She sat up and yelled, "Holy Shit!....Shit!" I know she didn't actually say it but her baby babble so closely resembled it. Both Eric and I perked up and I laughed, "Did you just hear H-O-L-Y S-H-I-T?" Eric said, "Yep! Sure did!" (Sidenote we don't say Holy or Shit very often so this was a fluke)

Eric's parents are coming into town Monday and we are so excited to see them. Everybody have a very Happy Memorial day weekend. Yay for 3 day weekends! And no one will be sick too! Yay!

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All Smiles

All Smiles

Kaylee Mom and Puppet

Kaylee Mom and Puppet

Happy 11 months

Happy 11 months

With puppet

With puppet

she's concentrating...

she's concentrating...

on daddy's head!

on daddy's head!

me and Kaylee

me and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

at the conservatory

at the conservatory

All Smiles

All Smiles

Up to some mischief

Up to some mischief

Grandma and Kaylee

Grandma and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee



A gleam in her eyes...

A gleam in her eyes...

Say ahhh!

Say ahhh!





Eric, Kaylee and Auntie

Eric, Kaylee and Auntie

Aunt K and Kaylee

Aunt K and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee

The cousins

The cousins

Sweet Potato Face

Sweet Potato Face

Beautiful Profile

Beautiful Profile



Cousins awake

Cousins awake

Cousins sleeping

Cousins sleeping

Kaylee in the Sun

Kaylee in the Sun

Eric and Kaylee

Eric and Kaylee

Me and Kaylee on the Beach

Me and Kaylee on the Beach

Under the Palm Trees

Under the Palm Trees

Family Vacation

Family Vacation

First Christmas as a "family"

First Christmas as a "family"

Santa Baby

Santa Baby

Kaylee in black dress

Kaylee in black dress

My beauty

My beauty

On top of the World

On top of the World

Christmas Mood

Christmas Mood

Playing with new toy

Playing with new toy

Smiling in Highchair

Smiling in Highchair

In highchair...Not eating of course!

In highchair...Not eating of course!

Happy Baby

Happy Baby

Floor Play

Floor Play

Kaylee had a little lamb...

Kaylee had a little lamb...

Kaylee in her PJ's

Kaylee in her PJ's

Nuckies are so fun

Nuckies are so fun

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

halloween costume

halloween costume
